Eurobserv’ER barometer: +5,4% energy from solid biomass in Europe in 2012

Eurobserv’ER has published the barometer for solid biomass in 2012. Primary energy production from solid biomass is back on the road to growth, which increased by 5.4% between 2011 and 2012. Output rose to 82.3 million tonnes of oil equivalent, which is a +4.2 Mtoe increase since 2011 . This growth was observed in all sectors of solid biomass energy. Heat sales to heating networks increased by 12.9% to 7.9 Mtoe in 2012 while electricity production, boosted by coal-fired power station conversions, gained 7.8% to produce 79.5 TWh.

Primary energy production from solid biomass in the EU has increased at a mean annual rate of 3.8% since the year 2000. EurObserv’ER estimated gross solid biomass primary energy consumption at 85.7 Mtoe in 2012, including also trade volumes. Imports of wood pellets from Canada, the United States and Russia covered the difference between production and consumption.

In addition to the 2012 statistics per Member States other topics included in the report are:

  •  Selected country reviews;
  •  Renewable energy policies;
  •  Industry overview;
  •  Comparison with National Renewable Energy Action Plans.

Download the full report.

EurObserv’ER has also recently published ‘The State of Renewable Energies in Europe’, 2012 edition. Download.


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