Europe’s current economic model needs to change and embrace the bio-economy. This is one of the new economic models that creates sustainable growth and at the same time safeguards the environment, writes Lambert van Nistelrooij, member of EU Parliament’s regional development committee, in an article published last week by The Parliament Magazine.
The article highlights the importance of creating ideal growing conditions in order to make bioeconomy a reality for both consumers and producers. Attention is called to the relevance of cooperation and communication on a EU level, to strengthen the internal market and to develop a coherent framework of legislation, for the use of biomaterials and bio-based products. Producers already active in the bio-econom or those who wish to enter the sector, need to be aware of existing funding possibilities, as well as how and where to apply.
To grow our bio-economy, the key will be design thinking, export thinking and financial thinking; it’s time to act. Unlike recycling and sustainability, consumers and manufacturers are not instantly familiar with bio-economy benefits. If we are to realise the advantages, we need an EU-wide campaign to raise awareness of them. Only by knowing what the bio-economy is can you understand what you are buying, says van Nistelrooij, who has published a briefing paper for the Dutch presidency of the EU entitled Towards ideal growing conditions for the bio-economy. The paper discusses how to create the right conditions and provides recommendations to stimulate the development of the bioeconomy in EU.