Grain legumes cultivation provide multiple environmental and economic benefits, increasing resources efficiency and contributing to balance the European deficit in plant protein production. In this issue, the project EUROLEGUME “Enhancing…
Advanced technologies for power, heating and bio-based products at EUBCE 2016
The plenary sessions at the European Biomass Conference always feature major innovations and technological developments in the areas of biomass heating and power, biogas, bio fuels and biorefinery plants. Here…
The science behind bioenergy with carbon capture and storage
Negative emission technologies are now included in many of the pathways suggested by a number of climate scientists to meet the internationally agreed limit of 2°C temperature increase in global warming.…
Stakeholders perceptions of biogas and land use in the UK
Anaerobic digestion is of growing importance within the UK bioenergy sector and can make an important contribution to the UK’s energy and climate change targets. With the growth of the…
The innovation impact of pilot and demo biofuel plants
Biofuels are considered as an essential tool for the de-carbonization of the transport sector and for the reduction of local air pollution. This is especially true for advanced biofuels produced…
State of renewable energy in Europe 2015
The annual EurObserv’ER report ‘The State of Renewable Energies in Europe’ (edition 2015) has been released today. The report contains detailed statistics on the share of renewable energy from different sources…
Modern wood stoves for high efficiency and reduced emissions
Wood stoves are commonly used for space heating in many countries, particularly those with relatively abundant resources for the production of firewood. However these stoves are often blamed for their…
Biofuels from algae: a budding technology yet to become viable
Despite high expectations and extensive research and investment in the last decade, technological options are still in developing stages and key resources for algal growth are still too onerous for…
Biogas from grass cuts for heating and cooking
The demand for electric power has been on the rise ever since industrialization. Decentralization of power generation is one of the approaches to solve this issue. The usage of biomass…
Creating the right conditions for the bioeconomy
Europe’s current economic model needs to change and embrace the bio-economy. This is one of the new economic models that creates sustainable growth and at the same time safeguards the environment, writes Lambert…