After a thorough peer-reviewing and editing work and thanks to the collaboration between the organizers of the European Biomass Conference and Exhibition and Elsevier in 2012, a special issue of…
Advanced bioeconomy can create growth and new jobs in rural areas
A growing advanced bioeconomy will not only increase the production and development of new sustainable bio-based fuels and other advanced products. It can also create thousands of new jobs in…
21st EUBC&E Scientific and Political Opening
Biomass offers opportunities for replacing fossil fuels and for reducing CO2 emissions and mitigating climate change. However biomass is also the raw material for the bio-based economy, offering the prospect…
Irish EU Council presidency expects no deal on ILUC before 2014
In this interview by European Affairs journalist Peter O’Donnell broadcasted by viEUws the EU policy broadcaster,Tom Hanney, Irish Ambassador to the EU, said in the Environment Council there are very divergent…
Denmark can have its first full-scale integrated biorefinery in 2017
Imagine an industrial production of advanced bioethanol, biogas, electricity and district heating – all integrated in one, single concept. In a few years this innovative concept called Maabjerg Energy Concept…
Focus on industry issues at the 21st EUBC&E
The 21st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EU BC&E) with the theme “Setting the Course for a Biobased Economy” will be held in Copenhagen June 3-7 2013. Recognized as the…
Second generation and advanced biofuels industry calls for solid biofuels regulation
The Leaders of Sustainable Biofuels met the European Parliament in Brussels on the 8th of May 2013. The meeting was hosted by the ITRE (Industry, Research and Energy Committee), chaired…
ChlorOut ® – Combating corrosion, fouling and emissions in biomass fired heat and power plants
It started with a desire to reduce the cost of running and maintaining Vattenfall’s own fleet of biomass fired power stations. Today the product – ChlorOut – is being installed…
Biomass in the green state of Denmark
Today, approximately 70 per cent of renewable-energy consumption in Denmark stems from biomass, mostly in the form of straw, wood and renewable wastes. In the coming years, Danish consumption of biomass will…
Leaders of Sustainable Biofuels event at the European Parliament this week
A special event on 2nd generation and advanced biofuels will be held this wednesday by the Leaders of Sustainable Biofuels at the European Parliament in Brussels. The event will include…