Advanced biofuels industry coalition LSB on REDII Recent Agreement

Advanced biofuels industry coalition LSB welcomes the initial agreement on REDII and the recognition of sustainable advanced biofuels for the decarbonisation of transport sector.

After years of regulatory uncertainty, industry requests rapid implementation of the directive along with national measures to reduce transport emissions.

Advanced biofuels industry coalition, Leaders of Sustainable Biofuels (LSB) would like to thank representatives of the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Member States of the European Union for their collaborative efforts on RED2, and for their commitment to reducing transport emissions with sustainable advanced biofuels. The industry believes that RED2 will now enable the further roll-out of advanced biofuels in the EU as it creates a mandatory advanced biofuel blending mandate in all EU Member States starting at 0.2% in 2022, double counted, and rising to 3.5% in 2030.
There has been regulatory uncertainty in the industry for over six years. With the approaching closure of the RED2 file, industry requests that the Member States implement the legislation as soon as possible, and the Commission must ensure sufficient transparency and congruency in the implementation. 
LSB welcomes the fact that in the past years, advanced biofuels have been recognized as a fast-track option to decarbonize transport. At this very moment many countries are looking to outline their strategy for reaching the decarbonization targets set out by the Paris climate agreement and advanced biofuels can play a significant role in that.
LSB was established in 2012 to promote the development and uptake of advanced biofuels in the EU. LSB’s members are committed to making a significant contribution to meeting the EU’s ambitions of decarbonizing the transport sector. Advanced biofuels bring multiple benefits in terms of CO2 reduction, investments, revenues for farmers and forestry, improved waste management practices, job creation and an increase in energy security. 

LSB members - February 2018

Leaders of Sustainable Biofuels 
LSB is a coalition of 13 leading advanced biofuel technology developers and producers committed to making a significant contribution to meeting the EU ambitions of decarbonizing the transport sector. Sustainable advanced biofuels are a fast track solution for decarbonizing transport. Advanced biofuels bring multiple benefits in terms of CO2 reduction, investments, revenues for farmers and forestry, growth for agriculture and forest industries, improved waste management practices, job creation and an increase in energy security.

For further information: 
Marko Janhunen
Chair, Leaders of Sustainable Biofuels
Director, Public Affairs, UPM / +358 50 590 0047 

Text by LSB – Leaders of Sustainable Biofuels.

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